5 Share Friday

5 Share Friday – 1st June 2018

1. Quote I’ve been pondering this week“Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life.”Brian Andreas

2. I’ve been trying different music for focus again this week.  I’ve found listening to The Study Music Project  has had a hugely positive impact, not just for focus but for feeling uplifted too. Try it for yourself and feel the benefits.

3. Article I’ve been reading – A compelling and at times shocking true story of the Xbox underground hackers. I have some memories of the chase while I worked at Microsoft and so it was fantastic to read in detail. You don’t need to be into games or tech to enjoy reading this crime story. It’s a gripping long form read of around 15 minutes.

4. What’s had the biggest impact on my thinking – Ingrid Fetell Lee’s 13 minute TED talk on Joy. This incredible talk highlights what could happen if we made simple changes to our environment, thus naturally creating joy in our lives where ennui can find no place.

5. Leaving the UK – By the time you read this I’ll either be at the airport, up in the skies, or in Denmark with my family. Friday 1st June is our own personal kind of Brexodus, where myself, my wife and our 2 children leave the UK for an unknown period of time. With work came the option to leave and we weren’t going to pass that by, and we’re grateful for such an opportunity.

I hope you have a great weekend!

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